
Together with you, we develop your new organisational and collaboration model.


Together with you, we develop your new organisational and collaboration model.

As part of the transformation, we develop your new organisational and collaboration model.

To this end, we involve your employees and stakeholders and jointly identify measures to fully utilise or expand the competencies in your company.

Many companies are faced with the problem that their internal resources are not equipped for the tasks ahead. In addition to ensuring day-to-day business, transformation processes of this kind are almost impossible to manage, also due to their complexity. In this phase, AXXCON offers comprehensive support and practical solutions to help companies cope with this organisational realignment or adaptation and ensure that they emerge stronger from this process.

Our approach

To ensure a successful transformation, we work with you to develop and implement the organisational and collaboration model that matches your strategic goals. To do this, we focus on value creation (end-to-end) that matches the service character of the new utility industry.

In order to ensure the performance of your organisation, we identify the necessary profiles and, if necessary, further develop skills through targeted coaching. Our change experts support you during the transformation through regular communication and formats that take all employees on the journey of cultural change.

Your benefits

  • Target model for your organisation that is up to the challenges

  • Anchoring the ability to implement changes and change measures in the organisation

  • Regular transparency on the achievement of transformation goals

  • Conservation of your resources parallel to day-to-day business

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