Torsten Beyer
Managing Partner
Areas of specialisation

IT Efficiency
Transformation and Change Management
Business and Process Change
Pricing Models / Contractual Design
Operationalisation of business models
IT Architecture / IT Strategy
Program Management / Product Management
Product Launches / Sales and Field Marketing


IT Services

As a consultant

Torsten has been with AXXCON since 2010. He can look back on more than 25 years of experience in IT service and IT business projects. He holds a management position, taking responsibility for handling complex sales, restructuring and service management tasks.

and as a person

Flies glider planes, showing that even in the air, diversions can be extremely productive.

What his colleagues say about Torsten

He shows that making a detour often leads to the goal faster. Challenges are his motivation.

Previous positions

Serena Software, CEO
Logica, CEO
BMC Software, Sales Director
DreTec, Software Manager
Navara, CEO
Materna, Director Consulting

Studied Computer Sciences in Dortmund