IMG_0108_Oliver Schulte_Website_Profil
Oliver Schulte
Senior Advisor
Areas of specialisation

Corporate management and planning: budgeting, controlling & reporting, finances
Organisation and process consulting, digital transformation
Billing and ERP systems in the energy industry
Purchasing and contract management
Project and program management
Interim management


Energy indutry

As a consultant

More than 25 years of experience in consulting and in leading positions in the energy industry. His structured and goal-oriented approach with pragmatic, solution-oriented measures build the basis for his successful consulting and project work.

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and as a person

His inner child is delighted when his LEGO collection is expanded to include another exhibit. The fascination of constructing and the creative possibilities make this hobby so unique.

Das sagen Partner und Kollegen

Pleasant, open and creative! He takes challenges as opportunities and knows how to transform complex problems into manageable tasks.

Previous positions

Fri-El Green Power Group, Managing Director Fri-El Chile GmbH
RWE Innogy Italia AG, Managing Director and CFO
RWE Systems Consulting GmbH
Duales System Deutschland GmbH, the Green Dot