IMG_0151_Esther Weinert_Website_Profil
Esther Weinert
Areas of specialisation

Office management
Event management
Project organisation

In her job

Since 2020 part of the AXXCON team. She brings 13 years of professional experience in assistance and office management in various industries - including international companies. As the good soul of the office she always keeps her colleagues' backs free and ensures a smooth workflow in the office.

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and as a person

Her heart belongs to beautiful Spain - no matter if it is the sun, the dance, the music, the food or the people. Dancing, singing and travelling give her the necessary balance from everyday life. In addition, she is a sports enthusiast, open-minded and an absolute family person.

What do you appreciate about your job, Esther?

Definitely the team! Every single person has their own charm. I was very warmly welcomed at AXXCON. I have never experienced it like this during my long career. I would say: I have finally arrived!"

Previous positions

Administration, AXXCON
Executive Administration, Proco Global
Assistant to the management and personnel department, Almirall Sofotec
Processing Controlling/Accounting, Lan Chile
Administration Accounting, Avianca