Best Consultants 2020: for the sixth time in a row we are among Germany’s Best Consultants!
We are proud to be included again and are delighted to have been recognised as “Best Consultants 2020”. Since 2014, the research company Statista, in cooperation with the magazine brand eins, has been analysing the consulting market every year to determine the best management consultants.
Partners of management consultancies and clients are asked for recommendations and their own experiences. Around 1,500 consultants complete the questionnaire to determine the best in various sectors and areas of work. The result is a detailed industry report that is of interest to both clients and management consultants.
AXXCON supports its clients in the realisation of their transformation projects. Our strength lies in the implementation and operationalisation of strategies in companies. To this end, our consultants take responsibility for their clients on a daily basis and stand up for our values. The Best Consultant award confirms that our clients trust us and that our consultants deliver above-average performance.
We were voted among the best consultants in 2020 in the following areas of work: Energy & Environment, IT Strategy, Interim Management, Innovation & Growth, and Change Management. We achieved very good rankings for Energy & Environment and Interim Management, putting us on a par with consultancies such as McKinsey & Company and Accenture.
Further details on this year’s “Best Consultants” ranking can be found in the current issue of “brand eins” (issue 15, 13 March 2020; 12 euros) or online at: https://kiosk.brandeins.de/brand-eins-thema-unternehmensberater-2020.