AXXCON study shows: small companies need to catch up with new working environments
Smaller companies have some catching up to do in the transition to a more flexible working environment after the Corona pandemic, according to consultants.
In a survey conducted by the management consultancies AXXCON, Detego and KWF, more than half (53 per cent) of the managers surveyed from companies with fewer than 500 employees stated that they had no plans for a systematic change process to date.
Team cohesion is decreasing
“On the surface, the companies are very well positioned for the new hybrid working world. IT is working, and day-to-day tasks are apparently being completed to satisfaction,” said AXXCON partner Michael Möller, summarising the results of the survey, for which 216 CEOs, managing directors and division heads from energy suppliers, banks and insurance companies were interviewed. “On closer inspection, however, it becomes clear that the foundations are crumbling: the performance of the employees and the cohesion of the teams.”
There was a broad consensus among those surveyed that, following their experiences during the pandemic, there will be a mix of presence in the office and mobile working from home in the future. 88 per cent responded accordingly to the question of how the working environment in their company will change after the end of the coronavirus crisis.
Savings through downsizing office space
According to the survey, larger companies in particular expect potential savings from a reduction in office space and fewer business trips. However, bosses also see risks, above all that business and private life could become too intertwined when working from home. According to the survey, managers at smaller companies in particular fear that their employees will be less productive in hybrid working models.
Source: Handelsblatt on 13.06.2021 (Read the article in Handelsblatt)
You can purchase the study from us for 299 euros plus VAT. We look forward to presenting our results to you in a personal meeting. Please feel free to contact us. Michael Möller is your contact person.